We pride ourselves on being the only project-based learning school in Westchester. Why is project-based learning so important for students today?

Project-based learning is engaging and experiential and focuses students on the process of learning. Essential questions drive student learning and scaffolded frameworks provide the structure for students to frame real-world issues, acquire new knowledge and skills, and analyze uncharted subject areas. While most lessons stop there, project-based learning pushes students to apply their knowledge and innovate thinking. Projects culminate with an exhibition, where students share their projects with an audience. Not only do exhibitions motivate students to persist in the face of challenges and strive for excellence, it further solidifies their learning as they reflect on their learning process and communicate their newfound knowledge.

  • Project-based learning educators guide students through meaningful work that connects to real-world experiences and engages students in a way that resonates with their interests and passions.

  • Project-based learning prioritizes deeper understanding, asking students to think beyond the “right answer” and apply knowledge effectively.

  • In project-based learning, students are active participants in their learning, making connections between disciplines, finding creative solutions to real-world problems, and struggling together towards new truths.

  • Project-based learning fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation in students, preparing them to become lifelong learners capable of confidently shaping their own successful futures.

One of the major advantages of project work is that it makes school more like real life. It’s an in-depth investigation of a real-world topic worthy of children’s attention and effort.
— Education researcher Sylvia Chard